You don’t know why but you are a strong adult. You have worked hard to get where you are today. Things are not so bad. But you are having troubles. What kind of troubles? You are not feeling well, and it doesn’t make any sense. You have the blues, you are suffering from depression, but you take a look at your life, and its not that bad. Then why are you suffering from depression? It doesn’t make any sense.
Do you have over-reactive emotional problems? Like someone says something that triggers an emotional response, so you get upset, and get angry? Or maybe you get really anxious in public situations. You get in a group of people and your skin crawls and you can’t wait to get out of there. Why?
How is your stomach treating you? Are you having stomach problems that are embarrassing, painful, or potentially dangerous? It starts with acid indigestion, then progresses from there. If you don’t figure this out, you are going to end up going to the hospital, if you haven’t been there already.
And if you are a woman and you get visited by personal problems around the VJJ-area, and you can’t figure it out? Well, it’s not surprise.
If you have any of these problems, unexplainable depression, you get the blues, you’re easily made angry, or feel overly anxious, you have stomach problems, ongoing and worsening personal girl problems, you are probably an adult victim of child abuse.
If your eyes just looked up and to the right, you are searching your mind for any indication of child abuse and nothing is coming to mind. Don’t worry. That’s normal.
Your body is an amazing gift, and it jumps into action to protect you at every opportunity. It will actually hide memories to protect you from the full effect of them because if you thought about them too much, it might be too overwhelming, and you might say or do something you would regret or might even consider committing suicide, and your body does not want you to do that, and neither do I.
So your mind protects you. It takes those tragic memories of things that happened to you that should never happen to you, or anyone. Never. It hides the event somewhere in your body where your awake mind cannot find it, and if something triggers something in your brain that makes your eyes look up and to the right to search for it, it tries to distract you.