Now that you have expanded your menu items, how do you add healing alternative items to each client who comes in for a reiki session?
It is not as hard as you might think, and you have to let go of any ideas that you are trying to get away with something because you are not. What you are doing is adding value to your customer’s experiencing by enhancing their experience from their work with you.
If you are not sending your client home with something to take away with him or her, you are not doing as good a job for your client as you could. To give your client the best experience, make sure he or she leaves with something besides just your healing service. Anything, any physical item, that your client can take home with him or her reminds your client about the experience they had with you in the office.
This creates affinity with your client. Thin about it. If you send your reiki client home with a crystal necklace, she wears this around her neck for at least one week. For seven days, every time she looks in the mirror, she sees you and is reminded about your session. When other people in her circle of influence see the necklace, they ask, “Where did you get that necklace?” The result is free advertising for you which may open up an interesting conversation about you and your services that could lead to generating a new client for you.
The more things you can send your client home with, the more connection you have with your client which grows over time. These days it is not just about how much you can earn from each visit you have with your client, the future of your practice and how effective you can be in your community depends on connection that you share with your customers.
Total each receipt for your client’s visit. Lets say the total from the visit was $230. $100 for the reiki session, $50 for a reiki enchanted necklace, $55 for a therapeutic potted plant, and $25 for 2 ounces of reiki enhanced fenugreek.
The amount that you received from that client over what you were paid for your reiki session, $130 indicates your success in building connection with your client. Good job. Keep up the good work. Next?
Adding healing alternative items to your menu increases your efficacy and allows for greater financial blessing for you and yours.
This is an exciting journey that you are on of expanding your services and the good that you can bring to your community and the world.
Thank you and have a happy and prosperous future full of all the things you would love to see in this life.
If you want to know more about herbs and minerals and how they can add to your reiki healing practice, you can contact me directly. My name is Juanita Holaday, your Natural Alternative Specialist, and you can find out more about me and contact me at