Adding Natural Alternatives to Your Reiki Practice
BlogHi, thank you for joining me today. The first tip I want to give you to expand your Reiki practice today is to add natural alternatives to your practice. We all know that reiki energy healing has everything you need to heal the body from whatever is making you suffer from disease or treating anyone who is sick or tired.
The best reiki masters are operating more of a full-service reiki practice, which helps raise the client’s quality of life by adding natural alternatives. What’s great about this is that it increases your average dollar value per visit of almost every client you will ever have.
You can catch many reiki masters in the act of increasing their earnings per visit by offering the client an opportunity to add some healthy alternative product to their life, something to take home with them. It can be smart to find something that is multilevel, which means that every time you sell a product, you earn a referral fee, and so does the person who signed you up as a distributor.
What’s interesting about this multilevel product integration is that your client may be interested in telling his or her friends about this product so he or she signs up under you, and you earn a fee every time this client or any of his or her friends buy something. This is a good way to build an alternative stream of income that might take on a life of its own and bring you free money every month.
You can also add spiritually significant and reiki enhanced talismans what will help extend the healing residue of your reiki treatment well beyond the three days which is normal.
You can charge anything with reiki source energy by activating it. As a Reiki Master, you can reiki-energize any object with the reiki symbols, which transforms any normal item into a healing talisman or magical amulet.
For instance, you can offer an activated crystal necklace. Let’s take a look at how this works. First, you will need some raw material. Like crystal necklaces. Do not make this more complicated than it needs to be. I just looked this up and you can get 5 crystal necklaces for $17.99 from Amazon with free shipping for Prime members. That’s less than $4 a piece.
Here is where the magic happens. Once you have them in hand, you activate them by putting the reiki symbols on them, now they are twenty-five-dollar magical talismans that your clients would be glad to buy as an energy healing enhancement and good luck charm.
Just doing that one thing, upped your receipt for that visit by 25 dollars. And you don’t have to have anything as fancy as a crystal necklace. Reiki Masters can energize and transform ordinary rocks into powerful energy healing stones which are worth far more than their raw material cost.